

亚洲博彩平台排名 University's bachelor's degree in environmental studies grows from our stated mission to act as stewards of the earth. It is the unique outcome of the talents of our faculty; our distinctive surroundings; our geographic proximity to freshwater and saltwater bodies, forests and farmland; and collaborations with local and regional groups such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and the Aquidneck Land Trust.


亚洲博彩平台排名's environmental studies program exposes students to the broad range of issues that arise from the interaction of humans with the natural world, and to the tools required to understand and solve environmental problems.

Coursework is drawn from fields such as biology, 数学, 公共政策, economics and cultural and historic preservation. Student-directed research leads to a thesis in the senior year, and majors are encouraged to address real-world problems through internships and field study.


Newport is a living laboratory – it gives students in a number of different disciplines the opportunity to effectively apply what they’re learning in the classroom to the field. Our program leverages that aspect of being in the Newport community.

There is always a strong aspect of social justice, 尤其是环境正义, so those aspects of social justice are embedded within our program very concretely. Because of our connections with our community partners, our students get to act on these aspects of social justice and environmental justice right here in the Newport community.

Dr. 詹姆逊追逐, professor and chair, Department of Cultural, Environmental and Global Studies


除了教学, we conduct research designed to enable undergraduates to gain hands-on experiences in field ecology and environmental sciences. Our work has been recognized with numerous awards from national and regional environmental organizations, and we are routinely invited to present peer-reviewed papers at major conferences around the globe.​



Our graduates are uniquely prepared to work professionally on environmental issues found in every kind of workplace. 随着对这些问题认识的增长, our graduates offer a strong combination of science and policy knowledge that make them an invaluable resource to organizations in a broad range of environments, 包括:

  • Federal, state and local government: Working as environmental planners, analysts and policymakers.
  • Corporations: Managing their compliance with environmental regulations and conducting audits of internal environmental efficiency.
  • Nonprofit organizations: Managing or protecting natural resources, 带头筹款和发展, and supporting the organization’s mission through public relations.

My Salve education provided me with a well-rounded knowledge base, and the major in environmental studies opened up a wide range of career opportunities. I am eligible for jobs that require a science degree, but I am also eligible for jobs that are more humanities-based. This gave me a great deal of flexibility when choosing a career path.

Abigail Burke ’19, environmental stewardship scientist, U.S. 陆军工程兵团

项目关注的焦点: The Science Behind the Job

For someone with a passion for the environment, 15岁的Rebecca Longvall buciaglia说, there's nothing like living and working on a campus by the ocean. “Salve的位置令人难以置信,”她说. "It's like having a laboratory right outside your back door."

博尔顿镇的环保人员, 麻萨诸塞州, Bucciaglia works on wetland permitting and helps manage 2,000英亩的空地. She credits her experiences in the environmental studies program for teaching her the science behind the job – collecting data and monitoring trends – and so much more. "I loved everything about the program," Bucciaglia says. "I was really busy as a student-athlete, but the faculty took the time to keep me on track."

As a student and a leader in the Environmental Club, she learned how to communicate with different groups and understand their goals. "I work with the public every day, and every day I use something I learned at Salve," she says.



17门课程| 46-49学分


  • BIO140:人类及其环境
  • BIO140L: Humans and Their Environment Laboratory
  • BIO255:保护生物学
  • CEG222:研究方法
  • CEG390:当前问题
  • CEG450:顶点
  • CHP310: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • 宏观经济学入门
  • 环境正义
  • GLO350:地球2050
  • POL345: 国际 Environment and Development


  • GLO100:全球研究导论
  • 社会学的想象力
  • SOA130: Anthropology: Interpreting Cultural Differences


  • BIO260:海洋生物学
  • BIO275:热带生物学
  • BIO310:生态
  • 科学:地球科学
  • STA173:统计方法


  • CHP260:城市是一件艺术品
  • ENV340: Coastal Economics and the Maritime Environment
  • 自然资源管理
  • ENV399: Special Topics in 环境研究
  • PHL280:环境伦理
  • RTS332: Care for Creation: Christianity, Ethics and the Environment


  • BIO390:环境科学实习
  • CEG451: Cultural, Environmental and Global Studies Thesis
  • ENV360:水培实习
  • ENV397:环境研究实习
  • ENV497:本科生研究



6门课程| 19-21学分


  • BIO111: General Biology I or BIO140:人类及其环境 (with corresponding laboratory)
  • BIO255:保护生物学


  • BIO200:植物学
  • BIO260:海洋生物学
  • BIO275:热带生物学
  • BIO310:生态
  • CHP310: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • ENV360:水培实习
  • 科学:地球科学


  • 环境正义
  • ENV340: Coastal Economics and the Maritime Environment
  • 自然资源管理
  • ENV399: Special Topics in 环境研究
  • PHL280:环境伦理
  • POL345: 国际 Environment and Development
  • RTS332: Care for Creation: Christianity, Ethics and the Environment